Payment of various bills and recharging mobile phones, DTH recharge,
Payment of LIC premium have become very easy. You need not join the
long queues at the BSNL counter, KSEB office or at the LIC office.
All these can be easily done from your home through Internet or
through your Smartphone. The only requirement is that you must have a
ATM Debit card or a Credit card or Net Banking/Mobile Banking
The Net
Banking/Mobile Banking facilities are available in all the
Nationalised Banks and in most of the Scheduled Banks of our
locality. You can contact your Banker to avail any of the services.
The process is so simple that you can come out of your bank with in
10 minutes with a user name and password for Banking through the Net.
Your ATM
card (Maestro, Mastercard, Rupay, Visa etc.) can also be used for
such payments apart from withdrawing cash!
Here is the
process for recharging your cellphone using ATM card or Net Banking.
I have BSNL connections only and hence demonstrating the same.
Recharging other networks will not differ much since the mode of
payment is the same.
- Enter the site :
- Select Mobile/Topup/Special tariff...under Recharge menu.
- Fill in the details required. Note that you can recharge any BSNL phone here. Be sure to fill in the Communication Details with a mobile number that you have in your hand at the time. An OTP (one time password) will be sent to that phone and you have to feed the same to the site to confirm and complete the process.
Fig-2 - Select one from TOPUP, STV and PLAN.
- Under TOPUP you have GENERAL TOPUP (fixed amount Topup) and FLEXI TOPUP(Topup in multiples of Rs.10) (Fig-3)
- If you select GENERAL TOPUP you shall opt from the vouchers displayed. In case of FLEXI type in the amount you wish to recharge.
- Under STV you have DATA VOUCHER(mobile net), VOICE VOUCHER, ISD VOUCHER, SMS VOUCHER options. --- Select whichever you need. (Fig- 3a)
Fig-3 - In this page select from INTERNET BANKING, CREDIT CARD. DEBIT CARD, CASH CARD. If you opt for INTERNET BANKING you can select your bank from the TABS or from the dropdown list.
- Otherwise select DEBIT CARD.
Fig-4 - In case DEBIT CARD select your card from those given. The amount you opted will be shown above.
- As a second step (STEP 2) you have to select the Payment Gateway from that given below. Select any one.
Fig-5 - The next step requires Card number, Card Holder name, Expiry date (MM,YYYY)and the CVV number.( The 3 digit number found on the back of your card. Be in the guard NOT to DISCLOSE the CVV to anyone-under any circumstances- as it is the master key to your transactions) Then click on PAY NOW button.
Fig-6 - Payment request will be processed. Please do not press any key or any tab in this moment.
Fig-7 - This is the crucial step. Now you have to type in the One Time Password (OTP) received through the mobile phone(that you entered in Step 2 above.) This also should be kept confidential. Do not disclose it to anyone or send through mail, message or over phone- at least till your present transaction ends succcessfully .
Fig-8 - A security warning will appear. Click Continue.
Fig- 9 - Success! Your payment of Rs.*** is successful will be the next message on the screen and over the phone.
Isn't it easy?
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